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Showing posts from July, 2022

NOTICE: DC BAC's July 2022 Meeting!

July 2022 BAC General Meeting The next meeting of the DC Bicycle Advisory Council will be on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 6:00pm. DC BAC's general meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of odd-numbered months. The meeting will be held via Zoom, here: Meeting ID:  819 5758 0543 Passcode:  457894 Dial by your location         888 475 4499 US Toll-free         877 853 5257 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 819 5758 0543 Passcode: 457894 Tentative Agenda Welcome & Introductions (10 min) Agency Updates MPD (5 min) DPW (5 min) DDOT (10 min) Other Agencies (5 min) Committee Updates Safety, Education & Enforcement (10 min) Facilities (10 min) Legislative (10 min) BAC Elections Chair Pro-Temp Secretary/Treasurer Approval of March Minutes (5 min) Adjourn ••• Meetings are open to the public. Meetings are governed by the Open Meetings Act. Please address any qu...