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Showing posts from April, 2022

NOTICE: DC BAC's May General Meeting

May 4 BAC General Meeting The next meeting of the DC Bicycle Advisory Council will be on May 4, 2022 at 6:00pm. DC BAC's general meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of odd-numbered months. The meeting will be held via Zoom, here: Meeting ID: 928 7971 3721 Passcode: 362080 One tap mobile 8884754499,,92879713721#,,,,*362080# US Toll-free 8778535257,,92879713721#,,,,*362080# US Toll-free Tentative Agenda Welcome & Introductions (10 min) Agency Updates MPD (5 min) DPW (5 min) DDOT (10 min) Other Agencies (5 min) Committee Updates Safety, Education & Enforcement (10 min) Facilities (10 min) Legislative (10 min) BAC Elections Chair Pro-Temp Secretary/Treasurer Approval of March Minutes (5 min) Adjourn ••• Meetings are open to the public. Meetings are governed by the Open Meetings Act. Please address any questions or complaints arising under these meetings to the Office of Open Governmen...

DC BAC April Committee Meetings

Vision Zero / Safety, Education, and Enforcement Committee Meeting Date: Thursday, April 7 Time: 6:00 p.m.  Join Zoom Meeting j/87984975873?pwd= Q1NQcU5qQm9KZkRIUUYvbzJaU29iZz 09 Meeting ID: 879 8497 5873 Passcode: 973642 Agenda:  Hear from 4 panelists discussing the history of bicycle riding in DC. Our outstanding panel features long-time Washingtonians and bike advocacy legends. You wont want to miss it! Panel Discussion on DC History & Bicycles Featuring: Marcus Smith, Lester Wallace, Peter Harnik, Tony Goodman This is the kick-off of our 4 part &Bicycles speaker series. June will be Health & Bicycles August will be Belonging & Bicycles October will be Climate & Bicycles We are still looking for panelists for these future sessions so get in touch if you have suggestions! Facilities Committee Meeting Facilities Committee Zoom Meeting Date: Tuesday, April 12 Time: 7:00 p.m.  Join Zoom Meeting