Dear all, Below is the list of BAC Committee Meetings for this February, 2022. Facilities Committee Meeting Tues., Feb. 8 6pm Meeting ID: 997 8047 6400 Passcode: 189570 Agenda: Identifying 2-3 major bike trails/gateways & brainstorming about how we can partner with DDOT and WABA on developing safe connectivity options for neighborhoods to those trails/gateways. Discussing the possibility of a Facilities Committee in-person ride along safe routes in the Spring / Summer Saftey, Education & Enforcement Committee Meeting Thurs., Feb. 10 6pm Meeting ID: 945 8762 3563 Passcode: 017749 Agenda: Determine desired speakers for April & June & Bicycles external speaker series. Legislative Committee Meeting Tues., Feb. 15 6pm
The Voice of Washington, D.C., Bicyclists