June 2021 Committee Meetings Facilities Committee Meeting Tues., June 8 6 p.m. https://dccouncil-us.zoom.us/j/96318122981?pwd=Q04wMmdQQ0Y5dFJWUzNTcCtpV1hWZz09 Meeting ID: 963 1812 2981 Passcode: 310170 Agenda: the East Capitol Street Safety and Mobility Project (6-6:30p) the Protected Bike Lanes on 37th St, Tunlaw Rd, and New Mexico Ave NW, seen here in this map (6:30-7p). The purpose of each of the two discussion items will be: learn more about the projects (we will be joined by some DDOT staff that can explain the projects' goals a bit) discuss concerns with the current conditions or proposed design hatch a plan for addressing our concerns and/or support of the project (delegate a person to write a public comment, etc.) Feel free to log in for some or all of the meeting. You may prepare for the meeting by safely riding/scoping some or all of the project areas & extents: East Capitol Street Safety and Mobility Project - East...
The Voice of Washington, D.C., Bicyclists