The next meeting of the Bicycle Advisory Council will be May 5, 2021 at 6 p.m. DC BAC's general meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of odd-numbered months. The agenda is as follows: Welcome & Intro (10 min) Agency Updates MPD (5 min) DPW (10 min) DDOT (10 min) Other agencies (5 min) Vision Zero Update with Linda Bailey (15 minutes) Committee Updates Legislative (10 min) Facilities (10 min) Safety, Education & Enforcement (10 min) Discussion: DCBAC Comment on MUTCD (15 min) Discussion: DCBAC Support of Proposals and Projects (15 min) Connecticut Avenue NW Rock Creek Church Road Piney Branch Road Beach Drive Approval of March 2021 Meeting Minutes Adjourn ------------------ LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS To join, use this link: Dial-in information: 1-877-853-5257 or 1-888-475-4499 Meeting ID: 951 9501 6732 Passcode: 696289 Find your local number: https://dcco...
The Voice of Washington, D.C., Bicyclists