Facilities Committee Meeting Tues., April 13 6 p.m. https://dccouncil-us.zoom.us/j/96318122981?pwd=Q04wMmdQQ0Y5dFJWUzNTcCtpV1hWZz09 Meeting ID: 963 1812 2981 Passcode: 310170 Agenda: Come to the meeting ready to share : 1) intersections of key concern for biker safety and why, 2) observations/experiences from riding the intersections and what could be improved to a) make you feel safer, b) make it easier to ride. We'll definitely discuss the intersections of 11th & Vermont St and Rhode Island Ave/Q St/11th St, but please also explore other intersections proposed for improvement . Because our meeting is virtual and not a group ride: One possible approach to independently exploring the intersections is to ride along one or a few of the bike corridors listed below (this is a huge study area, so feel free to observe a handful of areas, and bring that deeper experience to the meeting). Corridor 1: 15th street from Massachusetts to Florida Ave : Intersections: N & 15th, O &
The Voice of Washington, D.C., Bicyclists