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Showing posts from January, 2021

February Committee Meetings

Facilities Committee Meeting Tues., Feb. 9 6 p.m. Meeting ID: 963 1812 2981 Passcode: 310170 Agenda:  Introductions (5-10 mins) Presentation: DDOT/Megan Kanagy on car free lanes (20 mins) Discussion: car free lanes (20-25 mins) Housekeeping: finalize 2021 meeting plan, firm up April meeting (10-15 mins) Vision Zero / Safety, Education, and Enforcement Committee Meeting Thurs., Feb. 11 6 p.m. Meeting ID: 931 7178 3421 Passcode: 687069 Agenda:  Introductions moveDC Discussion Ready2Play Discussion ANC Letter Follow-Up Legislative Committee Meeting Tues., Feb. 16 6 p.m. Meeting ID: 957 4241 6604 Passcode: 405886 Agenda:  Introductions Councilmember Cheh's Roundtable on Transportation after the pandemic.  Meeting notice is here. Testim...

January 2021 General Meeting

The next meeting of the Bicycle Advisory Council will be January 13, 2020 at 6 p.m. Note that this meeting is on the second Wednesday instead of the normal first Wednesday. Agenda 1. Call to order; roll call and introductions (5 min) 2. Agency updates (40 min) MPD DPW DDOT Other agencies  3. Committee updates (45 min.) Facilities Committee Vision Zero / Safety, Education, and Enforcement Committee Legislative Committee 4. Discussion: BAC Priorities for 2021 (20 min) 5. Update: BAC Administrative Topics (5 min.) 6. Approval of November minutes (5 min.) 7. Adjournment ----------------------- This meeting is governed by the Open Meetings Act. Please address any questions or complaints arising under this meeting to the Office of Open Government at . ------------------ LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS Attend at Meeting ID: 944 5273 2145 Passcode: 355979 Dial by your location 888 475 4499 US Toll-free ...