Legislative Committee Meeting Tues., Oct. 6 6 p.m. https://dccouncil-us.zoom.us/j/91722011547?pwd=cS9hUzlod0dWbEFJSDBqWkUzSUpidz09 Meeting ID: 917 2201 1547 Passcode: 447710 Vision Zero / Safety, Education, and Enforcement Committee Meeting Thurs., Oct. 15 6 p.m. https://dccouncil-us.zoom.us/j/94500939345?pwd=aXZSbjlBbTUwY253aGx5UWNnaDF3dz09 Meeting ID: 945 0093 9345 Passcode: 361242 Facilities Committee Meeting Tues., Oct. 20 (optional ride on Oct. 17, as noted in the calendar) 6 p.m. https://dccouncil-us.zoom.us/j/92680306264?pwd=eFpEdjVmZVBZQXZqcnQzT2EyM3RSUT09 Meeting ID: 926 8030 6264 Passcode: 673678 The meeting will assess portions of eastern Ward 1 and western Ward 5 - highlighting the new Irving St crosstown cycletrack and 14th St bus/bike lane and upcoming Warder St/Park Pl NW connectors AND future bike lane improvements on Brookland and Edgewood's Monroe and 8th Street NE. See the calendar for a detailed description of the area to be discussed. ••• Please see individual ...
The Voice of Washington, D.C., Bicyclists