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Showing posts from August, 2020

BAC Sept. 2020 meeting

Bicycle Advisory Council Remote Meeting Agenda 9/2/20, 6 p.m. 1. Call to order; roll call and introductions (5 min.) 2. Agency updates (20 min.) • MPD • DDOT (written report) • Office of Planning • Other agencies 3. DPW bike lane maintenance (15 min.) 4. Committee updates (40 min.) • Facilities Committee • Legislative Committee • Vision Zero / Safety, Education, and Enforcement Committee 5. Discussion of outreach to older adults about biking in D.C. (with Age-Friendly D.C. Task Force) (15 min.) 6. BAC listserv etiquette (10 min.) 7. Approval of July minutes (5 min.) 8. Public comment (time permitting) 9. Adjournment ----------------------- This meeting is governed by the Open Meetings Act. Please address any questions or complaints arising under this meeting to the Office of Open Government at ------------------ LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS Attend at Meeting ID: 964 6411 8213 Passcode: 850812 ...