Highlights of BAC accomplishments in June: The three BAC committees held meetings. At the Legislative Committee’s June 4 meeting, Councilmember Charles Allen, at right with file folder, discussed his Vision Zero omnibus bill. The Facilities Committee surveyed Alabama Avenue SE and adjacent parts of Ward 8 during its June 11 field meeting. The Safety, Education and Enforcement Committee met on June 13. Ward 6 member David Cranor delivered BAC testimony in support of the Vulnerable User Collision Recovery Amendment Act of 2019. Cranor, left, testified on June 24 before the Council Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety. BAC members joined with their Arlington and Alexandria counterparts to host the Inaugural Regional Bike Summit on June 9. Here’s the @DCBAC delegation at the summit! pic.twitter.com/CFiY0tppAB — HandlebarsDC 🚴 (@HandlebarsDC) June 9, 2019 Two BAC members attended a June 20 public meeting about Florida Avenue NE safety redes...
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