Highlights of the BAC's mid-month activity. Contributory negligence reform passes At today's Legislative meeting, the Council passed the contributory negligence bill, officially termed the Motor Vehicle Collision Recovery Act of 2016. It awaits mayoral signature and the standard 30-day congressional review before it becomes law. Bicycle Awareness Motor Vehicle License Plate Amendment Act of 2016 Speaking individually, BAC member Bob Summersgill delivered the following testimony at yesterday's Transportation and the Environment Committee hearing: Testimony on Bill 21-0759 Bicycle Awareness Motor Vehicle License Plate Amendment Act of 2016 By Bob Summersgill for the Bicycle Advisory Council Chairman Cheh: Thank you for holding this hearing. I am Bob Summersgill, a member of the Bicycle Advisory Council (BAC), appointed by Councilmember David Grosso. All the members of the BAC support this legislation. The bill will allow car owners to buy specialty lic...
The Voice of Washington, D.C., Bicyclists