Like elves toiling behind the scenes, the BAC is laying the groundwork for 2017 by meeting merrily this midweek. Legislative Affairs Committee meeting Wed., Dec. 21 at 6 p.m. Teaism, 400 8th St NW Agenda Information Items 1. Motor Vehicle Collision Recovery Act of 2015 Update Now official law L21-0167, Effective from Nov 26, 2016 2. B21-0759 - Bicycle Awareness Motor Vehicle License Plate Amendment Act of 2016 Update Signed by Mayor this month and awaiting Congressional approval 3. B21-0923 - Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Technical Amendment Act of 2016 Update Dec. 12 hearing cancelled. To be reintroduced in the next session beginning Jan. 3. 4. D.C. Council committee structure and chairs Action Items 5. Approval of testimony for Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Technical Amendment Act 6. Discussion of legislation ideas *** Facilities Committee meeting Thurs., Dec. 22 at 6 p.m. Pizzeria Paradiso, 2003 P St NW Agenda 1. Snow and leaf remo...
The Voice of Washington, D.C., Bicyclists