In anticipation of WeMoveDC's third round of Workshops – Ideas to moveDC - beginning October 21, BAC has obtained a draft version of the WeMoveDC maps that list ideas and approached for the District's bicycle facilities (displayed below). There are a lot of moving parts in this process, but thanks to the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), we now have maps that break them into component as well as composite maps.
BAC would like #BikeDC to look at these maps and either tell us what you think or tell WeMoveDC at its upcoming meetings. We'd also like you to note if anything should be included, for example, with all these new routes, what about safe, secure bicycle parking?
WeMoveDC has three approaches or alternatives loosely based on themes of 1) Stay the Course, 2) Get Downtown and 3) Connect the Neighborhoods. In addition, the maps displays three types of bike facilities: bike lanes, protected lanes, and off-road multi-use trails. This creates 12 maps variations (including 'summary' maps) to consider.
Please review at the maps below and discuss them with your friends, neighbors, Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners or members of Council - regardless of if they ride bicycles or not. We want to make sure that the you come with a lot of questions and suggestions based on the needs of the bicycling public and the people bicyclists are connected to each day.
BAC, together with the public, hopes to identify the significant differences between the three approaches and communicate concerns, suggestions or support the DDOT. Once major differences are identified, we need to share/document our opinions. Ideally, we'll be able offer DDOT a fourth approach - 4) the best ideas!
If you have suggestions or are unable to attend the WeMoveDC workshops, please feel free to leave your thought below or on Twitter @dcbac.